Sunday, November 14, 2010
Huge mistake...
Friday, October 15, 2010
Just another day...
Marks da day whr we screw enl test 1 gao gao. haha..can we score???? DEFINITELY!! (5/10%) hehe. After enl 207, i wont place high hope for tis one. So long i can secure a B, tats more den enuf~ (:
Jz FYI, tis lil bloggie, i'll shower it wif melancholic posts. yea. its time for some changes tho =]
but! wheneva necessary, i'll stil update u guys wif some happie posts (:
These two days, i've been feeling quite down. All da laughters n stupid acts from me, are jz camouflage of wat im feelin deep inside.
These two days, i duno wat reali hpn. Izit me thinking too muchie or izit tings hav changed? I somehow felt thr's slight change on da way u treat me~ nt jz me even others felt da same way. The Q WHY keeps popping out in my head. I've tried settled down n tink it thru thoroughly bt i cant seem to find da rite answer. I admit, I admit its my fault bt im jz playin..i din do it on purpose. Even so, i seriously dun tink its my mistake. I do not tease for no reason. Its for ur own good too..haiz.. Mayb, mayb i do hurt ur feeling bt i've apologized. Sincerely. Somehow, even a sincered 'sorry' cant cure all wounds; jz like da sayin, "No use cryin over split milk". Wat else can i do? I reali duno~
Thursday - 14.10.2010
Arrived home, feelin slightly better~ (:
Had a drink to soothe my gloominess...
(cont) 15.10.2010
Tho feelin a lil tired, am all geared up to face da day wif sunshine mood; coz i believe today will nt be any typical day (: somehow, thr's jz sometin tat turn me off == nvm. small matter. fuck it. I duno y i even bothered so much. Zzzzzz...
Rite after innovation class, head straight to library. Everytin is okie til i felt sumtin is nt rite abt my stomach...n hell yea it does. Went to loo to settle everytin..shoot it took so damn long -.-
Then...ah. Emo part came up.
(im nt gonna tel u wat izit abt =P) Seriously, i NEVER tot i'll fall so damn hard. It literally strikes my heart da moment i saw ............ n da moment i said she's ............. It reali hit me hard. For wat reason, i wish i noe y. I tot i can forget bt da scene keep rolling in my head amid da test. I lose focus. At one point, i even feel like putting down my pen n walk out without finishing da whole paper. Im reali so close to sobbing bt i held bec. Grasping my pen so hard, i told myself i cant screw tis paper. Not english. After few mins of struggles, am managed to gt bec on track.... ): Hope i wont gt a farkdup result. Am jz not in da rite state of mind to do da best. Nevertheless, i've gave it all n jz hope i wont gt a kiam cai result..
On da way bec, i tink abt ntg bt da whole scene. Again. == Darn...imma pathetic lil gal... Y do i even giv a farking care???? Its nt abt me, its nt sumtin i should noe, its nt sumtin im concern abt... So y im feelin so down??? No one even cares abt my feelin. So y im feelin such a busybody myself? Zzzzzzzz... Shed tears sumore. Haiz....Guess im nt tat tough after all ):
Nvm. Let bygone be bygone~ Gonna recover soon i guess. *crossfinger*
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
U will never understand
I had a dream last nite.
Its so real tat i found myself crying when i woke up.
In tat dream, thr's him, wif his gal, n me, n da rest of anoymousssss..
I can stil recalled tat particular scene vividly. He's holding his gal's hand n mumbled sumtin i cant rmbr...den thr's a part he said, 'plz dun be lidat'. It clearly means im jz being stupid for fooling around. I knew i wont get wat i want so i ran out n my final words, U'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND MY FEELING. I was crying all da way...
While im writing tis, im sobbing quietly. No one understand how i feel bt myself.
Im nt demanding anyting. I knew all tis while wat im doin is nt rite yet i stil go for it. So it serves me rite for wat im gettin in return. Im nt putting da blame on anyone. In fact, im da criminal. In order to be happie, i do tings past beyond da limit of wat frens do. I dun care wat ppl tink, bt now, da truth hits me. I'll never achieve da real happieness. Im jz lying to myself..
So wat if i tel him my real feeling? Tat wont get me to wat i hoped for, bt an awkward moment. Im nt tat kind of person who likes to tink so much. For me, jz go thru my life, enjoy it n be happie. bt im nt doin da rite ting...mayb tis time i tink too much. i dun giv a fucking damn.
I've gave myself some time n i dun tink i nid an answer to a question tat has been playing in my head for some time. Jz let it be.. Yes or no, it doesnt matter anymore.
Frens foreva. (:
Saturday, April 24, 2010
im so confused tat im now in a state of confusion
DILEMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :S
hmm.. how should i put tis...
two weeks break.
a period of time b4 my life turn into a living hell.
a period of time to mesmerize all da memories wif all of u~
a period of time to watch all da dramas.
a period of time to think things over.
a period of time to figure out the solution for should-i-do-it-or-not matter..
recently, i've been doin much thinking abt guys.
nt guys as in a whole bt those tat i like.
as once said, "u can like hundreds of guys bt u only love one". tats true.
two days ago i went out wif a guy fren.
aaaahh~~ such a long time since i go dating wif jz guy. haha!
n so, tis triggered me to reconcile all my do-i-reali-like-him problems.
Guy #1
-we used to talk alot n share lotsa tings, bt at tat moment, he already seeing someone.
no matter how hapi i am, i noe whr i stand. im jz a bystander. i should nt interfere. so i jz keep da feeling to myself. im nt even sure whether tat feelin is tat i reali like him or its jz tat im feelin lonely.
-months past since we last went out.... the feeling for him gradually decrease.. i guess i dont reali fall for him. i jz enjoy his company.
-somehow, in one way or another, i'll miss all da conversation we had. in total, i miss him.
-i even tot of confessing bt i hold back. i've gt rejected once n i dun hope history to repeat itself. n so i wait.. da more i wait, da more the feeling fades.
-so now, finali, im able to shoooo him out of my mind. but (argh always a but in everyting!!) once a while, i still check out on him (im nt a stalker). aish...wats wrong wif me??! =.=
-he jz way too gud. i mean his personality. altho im nt reali close to him, i can c tat everyone around him likes him. everybody seems to enjoy having him around.
-we used to text alot. almost everytime, im da one who find him 1st. tis makes me think, "im da only one feelin like tis, am i?". as time pass, i made a conclusion. i do not like him. he's jz being nice n friendly (:
Guy #3
-i've known him since..... aaahh~ i cant rmbr. probably around 2 yrs? =/
i've never met him. we're net frens til da day we decided to hang out. well, everyting turns out great except i almost fall asleep in cinema o.o U cant reali blame me. i watched the same show twice.
-it has been months since i last went out one-on-one wif a guy fren. its nt tat im desperate or wat... it gives u somekind of feelin tat u'll never gt for dating a gurl. ah, im crapping :S
-ppl say when u're wif a guy, if ur heartbeat beats fast, u definitely like him. as for me, i dun feel so. thus i dont like him? bt i miss the outing vry much wor... how's tat? =/
-mayb, like i said, its been a long time since i went out wif guy. so i feel lidat. so i dont like him after all? i cant even answer tis question which has been playin in my mind all da time. aaahh~ stupid me.
-when our eyes met, it seems like the time stops. everytin around me is motion-less. i wish tat moment can stay as long as i want.. bt everytime tat hpn, i always look away. haha.. ==
-so peeps, does tat mean i like him? somehow, i feel tat im nt reali his type. haiz... im still confused. everytin is so complicated!!!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Is it worth it??
We strongly believe thr's justice in the eye of the world. Yes, it is. however, in some cases, it is expcetional. let me tel u a real-life story tats related to tis.
Got back my econ test 2 result. tho da mark's slightly lower den test 1, im SATISFIED. FULLY SATISFIED. coz i DIDN'T COPY others' ans n i TOTALLY DESERVE DA MARKS I GET. nt to blow my own trumpet or wat; i feel tat my hard work is paid off (:
for some ppl, they DONT EVEN DESERVE the marks they get. da reason i wrote tis post is tat many ppl are totally PISSED OFF by the "some ppl". im nt gonna mention da names, for i noe i'll be hated if i do. okie. i noe each n everyone of us do tiru in our test, bt NOT EVERYTIME. da "some ppl", they jz copied blindly. take econ test an a great example. they scored full marks for objective. even our super WonderGirl aka Ying Ying Lee cant do tat. for da previous test, da same ting occurred. its nt like im saying tat they're dumbo n im clever. no. aren't u curious, how they gt such marks?? hmm..mayb they do turn over a new leaf n study pretty hard. fat chance, i'll say.
alrite. enuf of tat. like my gfs said, if they wanna tiru, pls do it da SMART way. its so damn fucking obvious tat they tiru lar wey. one word for advice - GROW UP. we aint in pre-school anymore. we're in college now. not studying hard for ur tests n jz busy copy others' hw, is tat ur college life? den better off jz look for job. no nid study. waste ur parents' money.
jz for one time, put yourself in our shoes. wat'll u tink when u're working so hard to complete ur work, and others nt doin anyting, take ur work n copy. will u feel happy? if its one or two or three times den its forgiveable lar. Tapi ini, SELALU!!!!! arghh!!! ask urself again, WAT WILL U FEEL? even if tat person is ur close fren, u cant treat him/her lidat. THR'S LIMIT IN EVERYTHING. sharing is caring, bt NOT ALL THINGS CAN BE SHARED. und? u may seems tat we're all okie wif it. da fact is, we dont actually do. we're jz being patience. if we express out, ugly tings hpn. "so lanci...lidat nxt time no nid lend me lar" , "walao...copy a while will sei meh.." , "as fren also wanna kira meh...." etc~ im nt creating stories. these kind of things do hpn. haiz. enuf of tat.
izit tat hard for you guys to jz open ur book, study it, n und it? dun make im-nt-born-to-be-clever as an excuse. everyone is clever in their own ways. like make-up, u practise everyday n u find urself pro in it. its jz da same wif homework, assgmts, tests, exam. plz lar. be independent. if you all continue wif tat kind of attitude, foreva u wont succeed. trust me, i've seen it.
peeps, dont take ppl for granted. tink thru ur kepala otak baru do sumtin. if u're goin to do sumtin ugly, plz tink of da other parties' feelings. we're not robot; jz let u all copy everytin.
to "those" who feel offended, i dont giv a fucking shit. im jz expressing wat im feeling. plus, i din mention anyone. it cud be anyone. or none. if u feel tats u, den its u.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
sumtin to think about =) [Part 2]
tis is rather a special one.
coz i dedicated tis to all my monkey frens.
ENJOY!! ^^
sumtin to think about =) [Part 1]
tho tis may seems weird as i've never post tis kind of ting, bt i wud like to giv it a try.
wanna noe wat izit?
keep on reading (: hehe.
da ting im gonna write abt, has gt ntg to do wif anyone. jz some random post to keep u all entertained. hope all HORNY BABE'S BABES like it ((:
Monday, January 25, 2010
a BIG GIFT/"GIFT" for cny
one may wonder. wats da difference between GIFT n "GIFT"?
lemme tell u a real-life incident n indirectly, the question above is answered.
ahhh....rise n shine at 9am.
kick start my day quite well as all my aunty uncle came for a gathering.
chit chit chat chat, makan makan, burp burp, say sayonara wif a big winsome smile on everyone's face (:
its abt 5.30pm tat time.
went out for dinner wif nanny n lil bro.
its like any other Sundays.
lil bro crack idiotic jokes, nanny wif her dun-bother-at-all kind of expression.
everytin went on smoothly til...
"jie, our house masuk burglars ar!!!!"
main door opened wide.
da 1st tink i tot was 'all rite. parent argue again'. bt i was proven wrong when my bro told me da bad news. i couldn't believe it at 1st bt when i saw da whole situation myself, my eyes prove me wrong.
living room was ntg bt a cupboard filled wif dad's docs r all like a rubbish dump.
lil bro's clothes all upside-down.
parent's room was a disaster.
my room is even worse.
study room is like being striked wif tornado.
ngo geh lou mat yeh dou mou lam. zi hai yat pin hong bak.
tats cantonese.
in eng, it means my mind was thinking ntg at tat time. all went blank. in short, im STUNT.
who wouldn't???????????!!!!!!!!!!!
mummy was speechless.
dad was like a president working his sweat out to launch a campaign to win the people's hearts.
bro speechless too.
nanny was searching her stuff to c anytin has been stolen.
i stood thr.
look around...
i reali couldn't, cant afford to believe the whole scene.
how it happen??????????!
i duno wat to do except doing wat daddy instructed me to do.
dialed 999, police in-charged ask parent to go to da nearest police station to make report.
n so they went to one near pearl point.
daddy's parent aka my grandparent came to accompany us.
so thr are 5 of us in da hse.
the old citizens chat among themselves; lil bro went to the kitchen to jaga.
coz those "clever" burglars broke-in using da back door.
writing abt tis, thr's one ting tat u, readers will sure feel zha dao.
b4 da burglars ransacked the house, they crashed, knocked, pushed, bla bla bla the padlock til it spoilt. my clever right-side neighbour heard a loud noise from my hse. she went out n saw tat no cars r thr. means no one at home lor. den she heard some noise n it sounds like somebody trying to crash da door. n da dogs r barking til their voicebox cant take it anymore. n guess wat..
da clever neighbour, tho suspected sumtin amiss, just DO NOTHING. yea. NOTHING. =="
n she even have da guts to come tel my mum abt da whole ting, n in da end she said, "i tot its cats trying to scratch ur door." FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
takde otak kah lu? ada otak tapi isi tahi punya ar? ma de...reali a pure sohai.
my mum, upon hearin wat she said, just said ntg. speechless. duno wanna giv wat kind of reaction.
den da left-side neighbour is also one funny ting.
same case, heard all those noise bt tot 'oh....just some random stray dogs barking fiercely.' =="
plz lar.
tho every nite those dumbo dogs do bark, they do not bark for long n loud.
ppl wif common sense pun tau sudah ada yang tak kena lar kan?
still can tink of such idotic tings.
we may lament, bt tings edi happened.
as da saying goes, 'no use crying over spilt milk'.
wat will hpn, will hpn.
once u're targeted, no matter how confident u are abt ur shields, at times, u gotta lift up ur white flag.
coz its FATED.
u may say Im da God of my experiences, u may change ur destiny, but can u change wats fated for u?
alrite. home kena ransacked, wish tis is da end of it. we cant afford to bear another one.
last nite, after clearing my room, i tot of lotsa ting. im scared. coz im da kind of person who likes to tink alot, imagine tings tat wont likely to hpn; more like day-dreaming. bt tis time around, i wasnt building castle in da air, im tinkin wat'll hpn if they came for second round??? wat shud i do to protect myself??? will i get panic til i cant do anyting??? etc etc.....
while my brain is processing all these tings, sudenli my mum shout my name. "Yi!!!!!! did u make any noise jz now?" "No. i dont." "Lock da door n sleep."
i quickly lock da door n sit on my bed. i cuddled my legs. my whole body shivered. without me knowing, im crying. im SCARED!!!! i duno wat to do. im worried abt my parent's safety bt at da same time, im worried abt mine too. n my bro's n my nanny's. i finali hav da courage to stand up, unlock da door, n peep. i saw a figure in master bedroom. i quickly close da door n oh shit. dun tel me..... i peep again. tis time i waited longer. den my mum came out. i asked, "is thr anytin?". she replied, "everytin's ok" Im abit relieved.....
tat nite, nanny,bro n i sleep togeta. everyone is asleep except me. i hold nanny's hand n ask for forgiveness. couldnt help myself bt cried... as for bro, i apologised too. duno y, deep to da core of my heart, i feel im guilty.
tat whole nite, i couldnt sleep well. around 4, my eyes finali cant take it n so i doze off....
wake up n check everytin. everytin seems fine. okie...
later tat evening, aunts n uncles came over to hav a look on us.
now its 11.03pm. im yet to take my bath bt after tis post. for my entire blog, i tink tis is da most memorable ones n im sure it'll stay fresh in my mind forever.
as for da answer to da earlier question, here it is:-
GIFT = for burglars who stole away around 5k cash, some jewellries.
"GIFT" = for my family as a big 'gift' b4 cny. as wat we chinese said, 'poh choi' ar.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

looks like 'sumtin' has just reincarnate.
y 'sumtin' n not someone?
y do i put da pic above?
y do i choose tat pic?
y does da pic looks so horrible?
ignore it lar. i pick it randomly coz it has da word REINCARNATION. XD
just to tell ya'll tat...
tis blog will still RIP bt due to JESSIE EYU CHIANN WEN WEN's request to have my blog updated, i, dengan reluctantly-nya, pun do according to what she said. haha..
oh yea.
i almost forgot.
im nt gonna rent a room near inti anymore.
coz coz coz da lengzai landlord said :